Interest groups are a vital part of CFUW.  They connect members, providing entertaining and engaging educational and social activities and opportunities to share our knowledge and friendship. With more than 25 areas of interest, our members have fun…learn…and help out in our community. Ideally, they are sustainable and offered each year, though it is recognized that interest groups and levels of participation change over time.  If you have an idea for an interest group, we welcome your application! (see below)

Groups meet in members’ homes, theatres, restaurants, parks or have arranged tours to local places of interest. Each group has a Convenor, but individual meetings or outings are organized by volunteers from the groups. Depending on the activity additional fees may apply. Payment of your annual membership fee entitles a member to join the Interest or Volunteer groups. Some groups have limited space, however, members are encouraged to start a new group at any time with the guidance of the Interest Groups Coordinator.

Learn more about the individual Interest Groups by clicking on the different topics:

  • Dining for Gourmet Groups and Breakfast Club.
  • Reading for Book Clubs, Book Commentaries and Revolving Books.
  • Learning for Knocker Knitters  and Investment Group.
  • Playing for Bridge Clubs, Games Night, Golf, Lively Arts, Movie Night, Mah Jongg, and Walk and Talk.

If you are interested in joining an existing Interest Group, please contact Laura Thiessen, Interest Groups Coordinator, directly or via

Volunteering and Community Outreach

If you wish to volunteer for a club committee or become involved in the community outreach programs supported by our club, please refer to the “About” tab on the CFUW website for more information.  Volunteering for areas that support our club and community would include:

  • House and Garden Tour or other Major Fundraising Event
  • Advocacy Committee
  • Holiday Auction
  • Charitable Fund Committee
  • Resolutions Committee
  • The Executive Committee and Other Club Committees
  • Adopt-a-Road
  • Hygiene Kits (United Way)

STARTING a NEW Interest Group

If you would like to start a new Interest Group, please provide the following information in writing to Laura Thiessen, Interest Groups Coordinator, directly or via

  • Your name and contact information
  • A brief description of your interest group idea
  • Anticipated frequency
  • Anticipated location
  • Convenor or co-Convenors

The application will be reviewed by the Executive.