Post-secondary education has been a priority for our Club since its inception in 1921. And today, supporting the educational and career goals of young women in our region remains a key part of our Club’s identity.
The single largest allocation from our Charitable Fund goes to provide assistance to local young women wishing to study at college or university and to our local post-secondary education partners, Brock University and Niagara College. From 2006 to 2024, CFUW St. Catharines’ has committed more than $169,000 for Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.
If you would like to contribute to our Awards program, you may donate to our Charitable Fund (Reg.# 88908 8365 RR0001) using the button to the right.
Our 2023-24 Awards included:
❖ Brock – $3,000 – Four $500 awards plus one $1000 Scholarship to Brock students
- Lily Bell Memorial Award – most deserving female student in 2nd or 3rd year English
- Gail Jenkins Memorial Bursary – female student in the Faculty of Humanities
- Brock University Continuing Education Bursary – mature returning female part-time student
- Eleanor Shaw Award – second term Pre-Service Education Program
- 100th Anniversary Scholarship – a student who is a first generation undergraduate student, who identifies as female and who demonstrates academic excellence. Preference is given to a graduate of a Niagara High School.
❖ Niagara College – Two awards to Niagara College students
- CFUW St.Catharines Bursary Award –valued at $900 – mature returning full-time female student
- Laura Sabia Bursary Award – valued at $950 – 2nd year female student in the School of Administrative Studies
❖ STEM Awards – $3,000 – three $1000 STEM awards to female identifying students graduating from grade 12 who have been accepted into a recognized Engineering or Engineering Technology Program at a Canadian post secondary institution for the upcoming academic year. Academic excellence, extra curricular activities and volunteer involvement in her community will all be considered in selection of the recipient.
- Two $1000 STEM Awards to DSBN students
- One $1000 STEM Award to NCDSB student
❖ Adult Education Awards – $1,000 – two $500 awards to graduating Adult Education students, who identify as female, who obtain the highest marks in 4 courses, one of which is mathematics, and is planning to attend a Canadian post-secondary education institution for the upcoming academic year. Preference will be given to the student completing her high school diploma for the first time.
- One $500 Award to DSBN Lifetime Learning Centre
- One $500 Award to NCDSB St. John’s Adult Education Centre
❖ When possible, we provide support for the CFUW National Charitable Trust which distributed $106,500 in Fellowships and Awards for post-graduate education in 2023-24.
This continues a longstanding tradition – the first CFUW St. Catharines High School graduation award was given in 1926 to a graduate of St. Catharines Collegiate.
Students interested in applying for the Brock University or Niagara College awards should contact the Student Award and Financial Aid Office at Brock or the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office at Niagara College.
The recipients of the STEM awards and the Adult Education Awards are selected by the school’s teaching staff at their discretion.
If you would like to help support CFUW St Catharines Awards Program, please contact us, or donate to our Charitable Fund (Reg.# 88908 8365 RR0001) using any of the DONATE buttons.