We host one main fundraising event for the year to support our educational awards and agencies that benefit women and children. Members help out in one or more ways:
•Join the Fundraising Committee – this group meets several evenings during the year to organize the event. They do a myriad of tasks involved in making the event a success!
•Encourage your friends and family to buy tickets
•Volunteer to work at the event as needed
•Make a donation to the Charitable Fund (tax receipts are issued).
Contact Christine Marks

CFUW encourages members to use their expertise and interests to bring about change. Learn about CFUW’s priorities and how you can contribute to positive change for women and girls. The Advocacy Committee meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 2pm. Our aim is to educate ourselves and others, bring awareness to issues pertaining to women & girls, and affect positive change locally, nationally and internationally. We welcome all members. Contact: Gail Neff

This is a key fundraiser that our Club runs at the Festive Dinner every December. The Holiday Auction convener recruits volunteers to help her. Members donate items for the Holiday Auction. The committee collects, logs, and labels items, and sets them up on the display tables before the Festive Dinner. Members bid on the items, and pay for whatever they’ve won at the end of the evening. Money raised from this effort is used by our Club to cover various expenses and may be donated to Community Giving projects. Contact Christine Marks, Pat Paulin

This committee meets a few times a year to review, consider, and develop recommendations for the distribution of funds raised by the House Tour, Silent Auction, and any other fundraisers we’ve held in the last year. According to our Constitution, this committee includes the Charitable Fund Chair, Charitable Fund Treasurer, Education Liaison Officer, Club Vice-President, Club Past President and at least three other CFUW members-at-large who are not on the Executive. If you are interested in finding out more about the scholarships and charities we support, and are knowledgeable about local non-profit association needs, please join us. Contact Sue Hughes

Each year, the National level of CFUW collects and edits proposed Resolutions  that have been prepared and submitted by CFUW Clubs across the country. If passed, these resolutions will be presented to those responsible for their implementation, mostly politicians, (e.g. Be It Resolved that the Federal, Provincial, and Municipal governments should take the following political action…).
Thee proposed Resolutions are circulated to all Clubs so they can consider if they want to support, modify, or oppose. The Clubs vote on the Resolutions at the CFUW National Annual General Meeting held in the summer each year. Those that are accepted by the members are added to the CFUW Policy Book (available online at, and Clubs use them to lobby local, provincial and federal politicians.
All CFUW members are encouraged to participate in the Resolutions process, which is an important part of CFUW’s mission. We need at least one volunteer per Resolution (there are usually 4-6 of them). The member reads the materials provided by CFUW National, researches the bibliography as needed, and develops these recommendations. The volunteers meet one evening in February or early March to review each others’ Resolutions and come to an agreement about recommending that our Club support, modify or oppose each Resolution. The Vice-President presents the recommendations about the Resolutions to the Club for a vote at the April monthly General Meeting. Our representative votes as directed at the CFUW National AGM held in the summer. Contact: our Past President at

The CFUW St.Catharines Executive meets approximately 5 evenings a year to review the Club’s operations and plan for the year. It consists of the President, Past President, Vice-President, Club Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and the Standing Committee Chairs. The Charitable Fund Chair also attends as a non-voting member. Within each Standing Committee, there are 1 or more sub-committees. Each Sub-Committee has a Chair and may also have members who help her, and they meet as needed during the year. Some of the Sub-Committees include:

  • Membership – help new members to join the Club
  • Interest Groups – liaise with Interest Group convenors and provide support as needed
  • Membership Directory Administrator – maintain the member roster, process membership renewals, and prepare & distribute CFUW materials to members and the Executive
  • Member Communications – prepare emails & mailings to members; work with press & media to promote the Club’s activities
  • Programme – plan and provide support for speakers for the monthly General Meetings
  • Social – organize catering for monthly meetings, and organize the New Member Reception in October-November
  • Archives – keep our Club’s historical records
  • Newsletter – prepare a monthly newsletter for distribution to the membership
  • Website & Social Media – update the Club’s website on an ongoing basis with events & materials

Please consider joining one of the Committees or putting your name in for next year’s Executive. Contact: our Past President at